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Regina Folster-Holst

Regina Folster-Holst

Past President of European Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Germany

Title: Anetodermic pilomatricoma in a 14-year old boy


Biography: Regina Folster-Holst


The anetodermic pilomatricoma, also known as bullous pilomatricoma is a special very rare variant of pilomatricoma which we saw in a 14-year old boy. Th e tumors occur later (adolescence, young adult) compared to the classical form (3-8 years) and are characterized by a red dome-shaped nodule with a superfi cially soft (anetodermal-like) and a very firm deep portion of the tumor. Th e diagnosis is verifi ed by histology, which shows edematous tissue overlying a deep otherwise typical pilomatricoma consisting of typical anucleate eosinophilic squamous cells (ghost cells) in the center, foreign body giant cells and basaloid cells with basophilic nuclei of the periphery. The presence of calcifi cations with foreign body giant cells is common within the tumors. Th erapy of choice is complete excision of the tumor.